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Have you been dreaming of a dead loved one being alive? Has a dead relative or friend come to see you and talk to you?

If you’ve recently lost a loved one (or maybe it was a long time ago) and you’re starting to see them visiting you in your dreams, you’re probably wondering, what does this all mean?

It can be confusing and frightening to some people, and it can also be comforting and soothing for others.

Sometimes when you dream, you can see your deceased loved ones alive and well, whether it be your father, your mother, or just a friend, maybe they’re interacting with you and they’re going about their everyday life with you in your dream.

These dreams can be vivid and real.

When you wake up, you can only wish that they were there with you again.

At other times, these dreams can be much worse, sometimes they can cause you to panic. Maybe it’s a dream where your lost loved one is in desperate need of help and there’s nothing you can do to reach them.

Whatever the dream is about, they often times hold valuable information that you can learn from.

The reason spirits can contact you through dreams is so they can teach you a lesson or send a message to you that you need to receive.

Don’t dismiss your dream as something that’s unknown or something that just happens. A dream with your loved one visiting you is one of the most important things that you can dream about.



Why Am I Dreaming of A Dead Relative so Often?

Life can be lost so suddenly. It can shake our world and leave us in a feeling of disbelief.

When we lose someone there can be a lot of uncontrollable and extreme emotion that we feel can never be quenched. Nothing we do will ever bring them back or fill that void of them being gone.

Spirits can visit us to try to give us comfort or to do their best to give us a sense of closure.

Oftentimes they will visit us in our dream looking much younger, healthier, and more vibrant and full of life than we ever remembered them while they were alive.

Sometimes they appear to us this way because they want to let us know that everything will be alright and not to worry. It’s like they want you to rest assured that they are in good hands and well taken care of, and there’s no more pain where they are now.

Other times they have a deeper meaning from the afterworld that is not easily interpretable.

If you start dreaming of lost loved ones, then start keeping a journal next to you for when you wake up. It’s important to write down any information you can remember in the dream so as soon as you wake up so you can remember it later on.


Not Everyone is Connected to the Spirit World

Some people’s minds are able to reciprocate these messages that are sent to them and some are not.

Our mind is extremely powerful and it goes a long way to reinforce whatever we believe in. Our subconscious mind is even more powerful and it will follow any beliefs that we’ve ingrained into it over the years.

This is why some people can hear and see spirits yet, others cannot.

Dreams can be the most surefire way for spirits to reach us, as this is when we are the most sensitive and susceptible to receiving clear messages from them.

Spirits can feel your emotion, and when you sleep your emotion cannot be expressed. When you have so much turmoil inside of you, your loved ones can sense this and will do everything possible they can to reach you.


What Do These Dreams Mean? What Message Am I Supposed to Receive?

Losing a lost loved one can give people a sense of anguish or desperation. When spirits visit us they are oftentimes trying to calm your emotions as best they can.

Having that void inside you that will never be filled can make living life very difficult. Sometimes going about your day can seem quite overwhelming.

They know how overwhelming life can be for you now that they’ve gone and they don’t want you to feel hopeless.

They want you to remember them just the way they were before they tragically lost their life.

Dreams can mean a lot of things, but dreaming of a lost relative signifies that they are trying to reach you and speak to you. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t visit you in your dream.


Outside Signs That Your Dead Relative Wants to Contact You

I remember when my friend lost her sister and she told me every time she thought of her she would see two birds flying in the sky. She told me it symbolized that she was going to be with her everywhere she went, even if she can no longer see her.

At first, I thought that her thoughts were a little silly and unwarranted. Later on, I would start to think about her lost sister, and I too would start to see two birds together.

Coincidence? Don’t be so sure.

It’s like her sister really was there, sending her (or us) a message that she’ll be with her no matter what. Like her sister wanted to calm all the pain that she was experiencing but could only show her through signs that only she recognized.

When I did some research, later on, I found that there is a lot of superstitious beliefs that birds were long held as messengers to the afterlife.


What’s the Best Way to Deal with Losing a Loved One?

Simply put, there is no best way to deal with losing someone you cherished most of your life.

Each one of us was uniquely designed and we all deal with our emotions in our own special way. Sometimes these ways cannot be explained.

Some people will hardly put any thought into losing their loved ones. They’ll try not to think of them as much as possible and just believe it’s part of life and won’t try to dwell on the thoughts too much.

They’ll do other things that people consider insensitive like not attending their funeral because they don’t deal with death that well and don’t want to focus any of their thoughts on what just happened.

Other people won’t be able to stop thinking about how they lost their loved one and how much it pains them to never be able to see, hear, touch, smell, or speak to them again.

These are just a few ways that people deal with death.

It’s important to be sensitive to someone who is grieving over a lost loved one. Don’t ever make light of their situation and don’t give your input on their life.

Let them talk to you, and listen to understand them. Never give unwanted advice as this can be tragic for them to hear if you say something that upsets them.


Don’t Know What to Do After Losing A Loved One?

Unfortunately, most people don’t know what to do after they lose a loved one.

There’s usually nothing you can do after losing someone you love.

Life itself can feel lost. A feeling of insignificance, like the world (or life) no longer has meaning.

This is by no means a great way to go about dealing with our lives for the rest of how long we have to live.

The spirits of our lost loved ones will visit us because they know it’s what we need in order to make it through our day.

If they can visit you, even if it’s for a fleeting moment; it can give us hope and reason. It can give us a little more strength to get up and try to go about our day.

Coping Mechanism

If it’s not a spirit that visits us it can be our subconscious mind projecting the feeling of our loved ones so we can experience them again and cope with our emotions.

Usually, our bodies will do whatever’s possible to keep us sane and to keep us alive and functioning the best way they can.

Whether we realize it or not, our body, mind, and spirit are so interwoven that they can endure the most difficult times. Each part of who we are will find its own way to help us manage the most trying of times.

When our bodies can’t seem to come to terms with everything, then getting a visit from a lost loved one in our dream can be soothing to the soul.

It can be the difference between having closure and realizing that your loved one is still out there looking after you, and not being able to cope with life at all.

It’s important that we deal with stress in our lives in some way, shape, or form.

Final Thoughts

If you’re dreaming about your dead relative, whether it be your dead father, mother, or friend, take heart, they want you to know that they are well and they are with you.

Even if it’s only in a dream, you can still see them.

Hopefully, it can provide you with a little more comfort.